
The Pasadena Education Network relies on our friends in the community for our support. We thank our donors, friends, and community partners for supporting our work.  Celebrate PEN’s achievements in our Year In Review, and join our growing list of supporters.

Special thanks to our 2024 Foundation donors

Helen & Will Webster Foundation
Pasadena Community Foundation

Thanks to our PEN Parent Leaders Circle & Sustaining Donors

Lindsay Amstutz
Andrea Azuma
Brooke Black
Nate & Kelly Bradley
Philip Burns
Jennifer Caballero
Victor Caballero
Carlos D. Carrillo
Vernon Chaplin
Amelia Chapman & Terry McGlynn
Maria Chavez
Jackie Clem & Chris Whiting
Nicki & Matt Cobleigh
Tobi Delbruck
Serina Diniega
Hannah Dvorak-Carbone
Nancy & Donn Dufford
Emily Eelkema Stough
Jennifer & Marcus Errico
Joan Fauvre
Jon Fuhrman & Susan Kane
Don & Meg Gertmenian
Jennifer Allan Goldman & Matthew Goldman
Marcus Hatcher
Preston Howard
Tiffany & David Hwang
Matt Ima
Kim Kenne & Rich Webster
Sora Kim & Scott Harden
Victoria Knapp
Shelby & Dave Knight
Heather Knutson & Paul Nerenberg
Savannah Jo Lack
Kristina Lear
Sharon Lefler
Barbara Madden
Natasha Mahone
Noah Malmstadet
Maggie Marion & Adam Lustick
Kristin Maschka & David Hitchcock
Thaddeus & Gargi Matuszeski
Marianna McConaghy
Kelly McKenzie
Emily & Scott Mencken
Dawn & Jim O’Keeffe
Kellee O’Rourke & Paul Backstrom
Jim & Theresa Patterson
Tina Pham & Joel Kittle
Denise Robb
Samantha Robinson
Mike & Caryn Rothschild
Ray & Sara Ruffin
Vanessa Salas Castillo
Brook Sample
Lisa & Chris Swan
Leslie Tamppari
Chelsea Walsh
Adam & Sonya Wierman
Chris & Barbara Wood


Appreciation to our Community Partners

The Pasadena Unified School District

We collaborate with PUSD on many projects and programs, including Parents As Leaders Training, Open Enrollment, and numerous district level committees.

Pasadena Educational Foundation

PEF’s mission is to support, enhance, and supplement the programs, initiatives, and priorities of the PUSD. PEF, PEN, and the Pasadena Foothill Association of Realtors collaborate on the Realty Initiative, a certification program that provides local real estate professionals with in-depth knowledge about PUSD schools. PEF works with schools to set-up annual funds, awards scholarships to students, awards teacher grants, and supports the Robotics, Summer Enrichment, and other PUSD programs. 

PTA Council of Pasadena

PEN provides trainings for PTA officers to increase their effectiveness in working with diverse populations, building cross cultural bridges, and facilitative leadership.

Pasadena-Foothills Association of Realtors (PFAR)

We partner with PFAR and the Pasadena Educational Foundation (PEF) to educate and connect local realtors with our schools. This includes a PUSD Certification class where realtors learn more about PUSD’s innovative programs, get resources for their clients, and tour a school.

Families Forward Learning Center

PEN provides Parents As Leaders parent programs to the under-served families at Families Forward Learning Center, and prepare them for the transition to Kindergarten and beyond.

College Access Plan

CAP provides PUSD students with college preparation and planning support free of charge.  Since parent support is critical to a student's successful college journey, PEN and CAP are partnering to educate parents about the college planning process.