Your Gift to PEN Will Make A Difference

To Our PEN friends,

      The Pasadena Education Network recognizes that only through family and community participation can our public schools succeed.  Thanks to PEN families like yours, we are now a group of more than 1,500 parents who support and send our children to the public schools in Pasadena, Altadena and Sierra Madre.  In a time when fewer school-aged children are living in our community, the need for PEN has never been greater.  Because of PEN, school communities are stronger, parents are more engaged, and schools throughout Pasadena Unified School District are better and continue to make gains.

      Please donate today so we can continue to support and engage families like yours, and improve academic achievement for all students throughout our community.

PEN improves our schools in four distinct ways:

  • We keep you informed about PUSD decisions and events that affect your school and family

  • We provide parents like you with information so you can find the right public school for your family

  • We strengthen schools by introducing families to PUSD who might otherwise not consider it

  • We increase parent engagement, and give parents like you a stronger voice in district decision-making

  Last year, PEN connected more than 5,000 parents with schools and with one another through parent programs, school tours, and networking opportunities. 

 PEN’s impact at schools and the district is significant because the more parents are involved, the better it is for all kids.  In addition to reaching more families than ever before through our programs and new website, PEN worked to improve the Open Enrollment school choice process, produced a review of the Magnet & Signature Programs, kept you informed about PUSD issues including district finances, trained parent leaders, facilitated connections among parents whose students have special needs, and increased parent engagement at schools across the district.  Now, we’re creating an easy to use school enrollment guide for parents, and will keep you up-to-date about the Board of Education’s new Master Planning Committee’s work. 

     You know PEN’s value, so please make a contribution today. Your donation makes a difference in our schools and our community. Thanks for your generosity which makes our work possible. 


nancy dufford